Why massages?

Upon the very simple question "How are you doing?", we answer far too often "You know: extremely busy" and "I don't have much time". Conversations regulary are about words like "stress" and "burn-out". And at the same time the media gives us an overload of negative news from near and far. 


Sometimes we're in dire need of relaxation. No intrusions from outside, just return to yourself and create silence in your head. And although we all know the meaning of "me-time" and "quality time", we deny it to ourselves too often. 

Allow your body and mind the time to relax. Let me help you with that.

My name is Kris and me too, I'm familiar with the pressure and stress of every day life. After a short career in the rational IT-world, I went looking for a more human connection. In that search, I eventually ended up at massages. After following my first massage course, I knew immediately that this is my thing. I went looking for other courses and I continue to follow trainings to learn new techniques. My massage is a combination of techniques that I learned throughout the courses. 


Massage is more than just a hobby for me. I've noticed that giving massages brings me peace as well, like a medition. That's why I don't want to turn it into a big business and I will give only one or two massages per day. That way, I can focus 100% on you, without having the time pressure of the next person waiting.  

Total relaxation garanteed. 


Take a look at which massage will fit you the best and send me a message through the form to make a booking. 

See you soon. 

And one more thing: I choose to offer my massages only to male customers. This is not out of a discriminating view towards women, but because I'm more familiar and experienced with the male body. Because of the extra effort it will take me to give a massage to women, I'm afraid it will translate into the massage itself and I will not be able to give a relaxing experience to female customers the same way I do to male customers. I hope you'll understand.  

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